Use webhooks to automatically send data from EventHub to external systems in real time whenever a specific trigger occurs, such as user registrations or QR check-ins.
1. Available Webhooks
❶ Survey response
Trigger: When a user responds to a survey in any event
Property | Description |
questionnaireId | An ID unique to each survey in the [Survey list] |
questionnaireTitleJa | The Japanese survey name (as applicable) |
questionnaireTitleEn | The English survey name (as applicable) |
eventId | An ID that uniquely identifies the event |
eventKey | A key unique to each event |
userId | An ID unique to each user |
The user's email address | |
userType | "Attendee" or "Exhibitor" based on the user's registration |
language | The user's registration language |
portraitUrl | The URL to a user's profile photo |
name | The user's full name |
familyName | The user's last name |
givenName | The user's first name |
affiliation | The user's company or affiliation |
department | The user's department |
position | The user's title or position |
questionXXXJa, questionXXXEn |
A survey question The "XXX" is replaced by the question number (001, 002, etc.) |
answerXXXJa, answerXXXEn |
The response to a given question The "XXX" is replaced by the question number (001, 002, etc.) |
❷ User registration
Trigger: When a user registers for any event via an EventHub ticket
Property | Description |
userId | An ID unique to each user |
eventKey | A key unique to each event |
ticketId | An ID unique to each ticket |
The user's email address | |
userType | "Attendee" or "Exhibitor" based on the user's registration |
language | The user's registration language |
portraitUrl | The URL to a user's profile photo |
name | The user's full name |
familyName | The user's last name |
givenName | The user's first name |
affiliation | The user's company or affiliation |
department | The user's department |
position | The user's title or position |
companyId | The booth ID for exhibitors linked to one |
eventNameJa | The Japanese event name (as applicable) |
eventNameEn | The English event name (as applicable) |
customFieldXXXX | The [Field ID] for custom profiles set via [Basic settings]>[Profiles] The "XXXX" is replaced by the customFieldId |
❸ Virtual attendance
Trigger: When a user visits the event page for the first time during an event's duration
Property | Description |
eventId | An ID that uniquely identifies the event |
eventKey | A key unique to each event |
userId | An ID unique to each user |
The user's email address | |
userType | "Attendee" or "Exhibitor" based on the user's registration |
language | The user's registration language |
portraitUrl | The URL to a user's profile photo |
name | The user's full name |
familyName | The user's last name |
givenName | The user's first name |
affiliation | The user's company or affiliation |
department | The user's department |
position | The user's title or position |
attendedAt | When the user visited the event page |
<tips>Virtual attendance is calculated once a registrant visits the event page between the start and end date/time set via [Basic settings]>[Event information]>[Schedule settings].</tips>
❹ QR check in
Trigger: When a user successfully scans their QR code at a QR check-in point in any event
Property | Description |
eventId | An ID that uniquely identifies the event |
eventKey | A key unique to each event |
ticketId | An ID unique to each ticket |
userId | An ID unique to each user |
The user's email address | |
userType | "Attendee" or "Exhibitor" based on the user's registration |
language | The user's registration language |
isStaff | The user's staff setting, set via [Attendees]/[Exhibitors]>[User list]>[Staff settings] On / Off |
checkinPointId | The check-in point's ID |
category | The check-in point's [Category] Entry / Exit / Session / Booth |
checkinPointCompanyId | The booth ID for [Booth] category check-in points |
checkinPointSessionId | The session ID for [Session] category check-in points |
memo | The check-in point's [Point details] |
❺ Booth document download
Trigger: When a user downloads a document from a booth page
Property | Description |
eventId | An ID that uniquely identifies the event |
eventKey | A key unique to each event |
userId | An ID unique to each user |
The user's email address | |
userType | "Attendee" or "Exhibitor" based on the user's registration |
language | The user's registration language |
name | The user's full name |
affiliation | The user's company or affiliation |
department | The user's department |
position | The user's title or position |
companyMaterialId | The booth's attached file ID |
companyId | The booth ID |
title | The file title displayed on the booth page |
thumbnailUrl | The URL to the file's thumbnail image |
fileName | The file name |
❻ Event creation
Trigger: When a new event is created or duplicated
Property | Description |
eventId | An ID that uniquely identifies the event |
eventKey | A key unique to each event |
nameJa | The Japanese event name (as applicable) |
nameEn | The English event name (as applicable) |
from | The event start date/time |
to | The event end date/time |
timezone | The event's time zone |
expire | The [Event page closing date] |
senderName | The event [Organizer name] |
replyEmail | The [Organizer email address] |
createdAt | The date/time the event was created |
contractId | The ID of the event's associated contract |
2. How to Set Up a Webhook
① Click [Settings] in the top menu bar of the EventHub admin page.
② Click [External integrations] and select [Webhook].
③ Select a webhook and click [Edit].
④ Enter the applicable URL for the notifications and click [Save].
⑤ The webhook setup is now complete. Information will be sent automatically to the webhook's URL when the trigger is activated.
<tips>Use the [Enabled] toggle to turn webhooks off and on.</tips>
3. Additional Notes
- The webhooks outlined above trigger for each event on the admin page. To target a specific event, specify the corresponding eventId when configuring the notifications.
- See the following article for additional reference about the eventKey property: API Integration IDs