Meeting room groups limit the locations where participants can schedule networking meetings at in-person and hybrid events. Some ways you can use the meeting room groups function include reserving a specific meeting space for VIPs or separating meeting locations for different types of participants. This article outlines how to create and use meeting room groups for your event.
1. Creating Meeting Locations
Before configuring meeting room groups, create the meeting location options for participant networking meetings. From the event management page, navigate to [Networking]>[Meeting rooms]>[Create new].
Enter the [Meeting location name] and click [Add] when finished.
<tips>- You can leave the [Can be used by below meeting room groups] setting as is. The following step will cover this setting's configuration.
- Use the [Max appt. per time slot] field to set how many different meetings can be scheduled simultaneously at this meeting location. Once the limit has been reached, users cannot select the location as an option for that time slot.</tips>
2. Creating Meeting Room Groups
With the meeting locations made, now create the meeting room groups that limit the meeting locations participants can select for their networking meetings.
For example, the following diagram outlines the meeting room group configuration shown in the screenshot above.
To create a new meeting room group, navigate to [Basic settings]>[Group]>[Meeting room groups]>[Create new].
Enter the [Meeting room group] name.
The [Booth] field displays the locations you created in the previous section. Check the boxes for the locations that participants in this meeting room group can choose for their networking meetings. The [Can be used by below meeting room groups] field for each meeting location you created in the previous section will update automatically.
Click [Add] when finished, and repeat the process to make as many groups as needed.
3. Registering Users to a Meeting Room Group
You can use two methods to register event participants into a meeting room group.
1. Add a Meeting Room Group to a Ticket
Create a new ticket via [Basic settings]>[Tickets/Forms]>[Create new].
Select from your available groups for the [Meeting room group] field. You cannot change this option once the ticket has been created.
All participants who register for the event using this ticket will automatically be included in the specified meeting room group.
2. Include the Meeting Room Group in a User List for Excel Upload
Navigate to [Attendees] or [Exhibitors]>[User list]>[Create new]>[Download template] to access an Excel template file used to upload and register participants.
Fill in the necessary information for each user in the template file's [Data] tab. Enter the meeting room group for each user in the [Meeting Room Group (boothGroup)] column.
Reference the following article for additional information: Registering Participants via Excel Upload
4. Using the Default Meeting Room Group
- If you do not have any specified meeting locations but have enabled networking meetings for your event, you can leave the "default" meeting room group as is.
- If you have specified meeting locations but do not have any restrictions on their usage for participant networking meetings, you can edit the "default" meeting room group's [Meeting rooms] field to include each of the meeting locations that you created without creating any new meeting room groups.
- If the [Basic settings]>[Event information]>[Networking] setting is set to [Off], you do not need to configure meeting locations or meeting room groups.
5. Additional Notes
- Set the [Basic settings]>[Event information]>[Networking]>[Text field for meeting location] field to [On] to allow participants of any meeting room group to enter their own meeting location in a free-text field.
- Once you have completed configuring your event's meeting locations and meeting room groups, we recommend logging in to the event page as a user to preview the meeting room group settings.