Event organizers must register for an event as a participant to access and preview the event page. By creating a ticket specifically for staff or testers, you can use content groups to hide those profiles from other event registrants. This article will outline the steps and best practices to preview the event page.
1. Making a Staff Content Group
Start by making a content group specifically for event staff.
Access [Basic settings]>[Group]>[Content Group] and click [Create New].
Add an appropriate [Content Group Name] like "Staff" or "Administrator." Participants cannot see this name.
Check the boxes for all of the listed [Viewable groups]. This will enable members of this content group (e.g., staff members) to view the participant profiles for all other groups.
Click [Add] when finished.
2. Creating a Ticket for Staff Members
Create a new ticket via [Basic settings]>[Tickets/Forms]>[Create New].
Add an appropriate [Ticket Name] like "Staff Ticket." Set the [Status] to "Hidden" and the [User Type] to "Exhibitor."
Set the [Content Group] to the one you created above in section 1 for staff users, and click [Add] once you have completed all the necessary fields.
3. Registering via the Staff Ticket to Log In
Click on the three dots button at the far right of the staff ticket you created above in section 2 and click [Copy URL].
Share the copied link with participants who will register for the event as staff members.
Upon completing the registration form, participants will be redirected to the event page. To review the event page again later, participants can log in via the credentials they set up during the registration process.
4. Hiding Staff Members From Other Participants
You can hide staff members from the directory on the [Participants] tab of the event page, preventing non-staff member participants from seeing staff member profiles. Configure content groups to ensure the participants have the correct group visibility. Reference the image below for an example of this configuration.
In the above example, neither Group A nor Group B participants can view the profiles of the participants in the Staff group. Reference the following article for additional information: Content Groups
5. Checking Video Streams Before the Event
The [Staff Settings] option allows users to preview video stream channels on the [Stage] prior to their [Publish Start Date]. Users with [Staff Settings] set to “ON” can view video streams the way they will appear to participants during the event. If a user with their [Staff Settings] set to "OFF" logs in to the event page, they will not see unpublished video stream channels.
Follow the steps below to enable [Staff Settings] for a user:
- Navigate via [Attendees]>[User List]>[Edit] or [Exhibitors]>[User List]>[Edit], depending on the attendee’s registration type.
- Set [Staff Settings] to “ON”.
- Log in to the event page.
6. Previewing Hidden Tabs
If you haven't finished configuring the event page but participant registration has already started, we recommend hiding any tabs still under construction. Even if tabs are hidden, you can still check them via their event page URL. Copy each tab URL directly from the tab, [Contents]>[Modify Event Tabs].
You can also modify the end of the event page URL directly to preview hidden tabs, as outlined in the table below.
Event Page Tab (Default Name) | URL Tag |
About | https://event.eventhub.jp/e/XXXXXX/description |
Booths | https://event.eventhub.jp/e/XXXXXX/booth |
Programs | https://event.eventhub.jp/e/XXXXXX/program |
Participants | https://event.eventhub.jp/e/XXXXXX/participant |
Videos | https://event.eventhub.jp/e/XXXXXX/archive |
Venue Map | https://event.eventhub.jp/e/XXXXXX/map |
*The XXXXXX in the URL is known as the "eventKey." The eventKey is unique to every event.