The event page's comments section allows participants to comment live on each video channel on the [Stage]. This article outlines how event organizers can configure the "EventHub Live Comments" options for their events.
1. Enabling the Comments Section
Navigate to the event management page's [Contents]>[Video Streaming] tab. The [Live Q&A Tool] field at the top displays the current setting.
Click [Edit] to configure the settings, and select one of the [Tool Name] options.
- The "EventHub Live Comments (Anonymous)" option will hide the names and profile images of all commenters, except for users with their [Staff Settings] set to "On" who can choose whether or not to display their name.
Event organizers can view commenters' names on the event management page. - The "EventHub Live Comments (Show Names)" option will display each commenter's name and profile image.
Alternatively, select "Off" to disable the comments section.
Click [Save] when finished.
<tips>You can switch between the "anonymous" and "show names" settings at any time. However, all comments will continue to display based on the setting at the time of the comment's posting.</tips>
Access the event page's [Stage] tab to confirm the comments section. Each video stream channel on the [Stage] has its own comments section. If a single video stream channel is connected to multiple sessions, the same comments section is used for all sessions.
2. Reviewing and Deleting Comments
Use the dropdown menu on the [Contents]>[Video Streaming]>[Live Comments] tab to display participant comments for a given video stream channel. Participant names are shown here even if the comments section is anonymous.
Click the trash can icon to delete a participant's comment from the comments section on the event page. This action cannot be undone.
3. Downloading Comments
Navigate to the [Contents]>[Video Streaming]>[Live Comments] tab and click [Download Excel] for the selected video channel.
The Excel file contains data for the following fields:
Field | Description |
User ID | A unique ID assigned to each user |
Last Name | The user's last name |
First Name | The user's first name |
Company or affiliation | The user's company or other affiliation |
Department | The user's department, field, etc. |
Position or Title | The user's job title, etc. |
Email address | The email address registered with EventHub |
User Type | Attendee / Exhibitor |
Comment | The user's comment |
Post date/time | The date and time the user posted their comment |
Likes | The number of likes the comment got on the event page |
4. Additional Notes
Commenting Outside a Video Channel's Viewing Period
- Participants can comment on a video stream channel starting from its publish start date.
- Once a video channel disappears from the event page's [Stage] after its publish end date, the comments section also disappears.
Comment History
- Participants can delete their comments from the event page, which also deletes them from the [Contents]>[Video Streaming]>[Live Comments] tab on the event management page.
- Deleting a video stream channel also deletes its comments section and posted comments.
Viewable Comments
- Participant comments will appear to all users, regardless of users' networking mode or content group settings. Participant names will also appear to all users if the comments are set to the "Show Names" option.