This article outlines the steps to register event participants by uploading an Excel spreadsheet file to the EventHub platform.
1. Registering Participant Data
Use an Excel file to upload your collected user registration data to register all applicable event participants at once. Then send the participants a password setup email so they can complete their registration and access the event page. Alternatively, for events that do not require a password, users can access the event page via the registration confirmation email that they receive after the upload finishes.
If you are using exhibitor booths for your event, we recommend creating those before uploading your exhibitor user lists. You can automatically link exhibitors to booths by matching an exhibitor's [Company or affiliation] value on the user list to the name of an existing booth.
*Registering users via Excel upload enables participants to complete registration without checking that they agree to the terms of use. When collecting registration data for your participants prior to upload, ensure that they agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy for the EventHub platform.
2. Uploading a User List
Navigate to [Attendees]>[User list] or [Exhibitors]>[User list] and click [Create new].
Select an option for [Select whether to generate a QR code].
Generate a QR code | - Used for in-person event check-in and tracking - The maximum number of users that can be uploaded in one file is 1000 |
Do not generate a QR code | - QR codes do not need to be enabled for online-only events. - The maximum number of users that can be uploaded in one file is 5000 |
<attention>Once uploaded, you cannot change the QR code option for a user.</attention>
Click the [Download template] button to download an Excel spreadsheet file.
The following image shows an example Excel file, and the table below outlines how to fill in the user information in the spreadsheet template.
*The Excel file’s [Description] tab explains the fields you must fill out in the [Data] tab. The [Description] tab is for reference only; do not enter data in this tab.
Field | Required/ Optional | Description |
Email address (email) | Required | The user's registration and contact email address |
Language (language) | Required |
The language for emails sent to the user from the EventHub platform |
Last Name (title1) | Required | The user's last name |
First Name (title2) | Required | The user's first name |
Company or affiliation (title3) | Flexible |
The user's company or other affiliation Link an exhibitor to a booth automatically by matching the company or affiliation to the name of the booth. |
Department (title4) | Flexible | The user's department, field, etc. |
Position or Title (title5) | Flexible | The user's job title, etc. |
Meeting Room Group (boothGroup) | Required |
A meeting room group set via [Basic settings]>[Group]>[Meeting room group] *If you have not set any meeting room groups, enter "default" |
Content Group Name (searchGroup) | Required |
A content group set via [Basic settings]>[Group]>[Content group] *If you have not set any content groups, enter "default" |
One-line Pitch | Flexible | A self introduction, etc. |
Profile | Flexible | Space to add additional information displayed on a user's profile |
For custom profile fields configured in [Basic settings]>[Profiles], the column headers are the profile field names. Enter the values according to the field type guidelines below: | ||
Free-text | Flexible | One line: up to 100 characters Multiple rows: up to 2000 characters |
Checkbox | Flexible | Enter values from the configured options Separate multiple entries with ;; (two semicolons) |
Dropdown | Flexible | Enter one of the configured options |
Radio button | Flexible | Enter one of the configured options |
*You can configure the profile fields labeled "Flexible" in [Basic settings]>[Profiles] to be either required or optional.
*After completing registration, participants can edit most of the above fields by visiting their profile from the event page.
<attention>- Do not delete the first row of the downloaded template file's [Data] tab.
- You cannot upload the session file if any required fields are blank.
- The values in the Excel file must match the options configured in [Profiles] for the checkbox, dropdown, and radio button field types.
- If your event is configured in multiple languages, enter the options in the same language as the user’s language.</attention>
Save the Excel template file once finished. Ensure the file name includes the necessary wording, as outlined below:
- Attendee upload file names must contain the word "attendee" or "participant"
- Exhibitor upload files must contain the word "exhibitor"
Return to [User list]>[Create new] on the event management page, and select the completed Excel spreadsheet file for user upload.
Confirm the users to be uploaded and click [Add].
*If the list contains users who are already registered for the event, only the users with unregistered email addresses will be uploaded.
<tips>You cannot upload the template file if there are any errors in the cell values. See the following article for reference: Why can’t I upload my user list?</tips>
3. Sending Password Setup Emails and Logging In
For events with participant passwords enabled, you will see the following notice at the top of the [User list] tab once you have successfully uploaded the list. Click the button to send users their password setup email so they can complete their registration.
*You cannot select which participants to send the setup email to. Clicking the [Send password setup emails] button will send emails to all users who have not yet been sent the email.
Once users receive their password setup email, they can review the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, then click the [Login] button.
<tips>You can customize the contents of the password setup email from the event management page via [Email]>[Automated emails]>[Password setup notice - Excel uploaded users]>[Edit]. You can also add the [%%MY_PASS_LINK%%] variable if QR codes are enabled.</tips>
Participants will be directed to the password setup page.
Clicking [Login] will redirect participants to the event page, and they will automatically be sent a registration completion email.
<tips>You can customize the contents of the registration completion email from the event management page via [Email]>[Automated emails]>[Registration completed - Embedded form, API, colleague added users]>[Edit]. You can also add the [%%MY_PASS_LINK%%] variable if QR codes are enabled.</tips>
4. Resending the Password Setup Email
If the password setup email to a registrant goes undelivered, you can resend it by creating a new email via [Email]>[Send email] on the event management page. Be sure to include either the [%%LOGIN_LINK%%] or [%%TARGET_BUTTON%%] variables in the email to direct the users to the password setup page.